Monday, August 4, 2014

Saturday 8/2 Praia do Forte

7:00AM Woke up early to go to Praia do Forte. I was really excited about at the turtles.

7:30 AM Prepare my bag for the beach day :)

8:00AM Got picked up by a driver to go the bus near a hotel. Then the bus took us to the Praia do Forte. The tour was not that fun... He just spoke about the different beaches... It wasn't that great. Then he told us we had to pay an extra $18 R to see the turtles -.- We were not so happy about this. We already paid $8 R to go on this tour. 

10:00AM We arrived in Praia do Forte and it wasn't that exciting. The turtles were in small pools. I thought we were going to get to see them in their natural habitat... It was a little bit of a disappointment. 

12:30PM The tour guide then took us to another beach. It was a nice beach and we stayed there for 3 hours. Sam and I ate acaraje and just relaxed on the beach. We went in the water for the a little bit and it was amazing! 

3:45PM we headed back to our hostel. It was advertised as a full day, but it was not. 

5:00PM arrive at the hostel. We both took a nap on the bus and arrived feeling tired. I took a nice shower ad just relaxed.

6:30PM We we t to the Boteko and had some moqueca de camarones! It was delicious. 

7:30PM We then had some delicious Beiju at our favorite spot with Lou and Gina.

12:00AM I don't know why I couldn't fall asleep, but I stayed up late again.

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